Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Oh to Vote!

This morning after getting around we walk to our voting station, which happens to be our church across the street, on the way I tell Jaxen, "Momma gets to go vote!" Oh course this means nothing to him in his 3 yr old world! But he still looks at me excited bc he knows momma is excited!
I'm not big into politics nor making people feel dumb for not voting the same way I did. I think that's bc I vote to make my voice heard then I leave it up to the One that I know is in control! Don't get me wrong, I think it's our right as Christians to stand up for the unborn and the Bible, but I don't stress about the election. I know that the person that takes office will be whom God has purposed for the job.
That being said: I can't stand it when people don't think voting is a big deal. Or when self proclaimed Christians don't care to vote morals! If Christians don't stand for the unborn babies then who will? It's no wonder we don't have a cure to cancer and other deadly diseases, we've killed millions of future doctors, scientists, and leaders that could have done something about it!

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