We had a great Dr. apt this morning! I love my Dr.! The ultrasound tech. brought up the baby on the screen and I set up and said, "Oh my gosh! It's huge!!" A month ago it was just a little blob and now we can clearly see body parts! It blows my mind that a living thing is jumping around inside of me! God is amazing and how He chose to grow life!
Thanks for sharing your baby's picture with us!! I can not imagine how exciting that must be for you. I got to see my granddaughter's ultrasound and that was very thrilling for me. I am so happy for you and Brandon.
how precious!!!! It will only get bigger ha ha!!! My baby is a foot long now and weighs about a pound or a little over!!!! I cant believe it, they grow so fast inside your belly, then when they come out they grow so fast then!! we are so happy for you!! congrats!
How precious Melissa!! We are so excited for you both! Congratulations.....let us know when you will be in town again. Would love to see you!
Congratulations! I haven't been looking at everyone's blog in a while and I didn't know you were pregnant. We will be praying for you!
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