Greetings to all! We are 9 weeks and Brandon thought of a name to call him until we find out if "it" is a he or a she...Squishy!! From Finding Nemo, when Dori sees the jelly fish and says "I will call you Squishy, and you will be mine. You will be my Squishy!" And something very exciting happened tonight! We parked in the parking spot for "Expectant Mothers" for the first time tonight! I made sure that there were still other parking spots available just in case there was some one that was very pregnant and actually needed to park closer to the store. So that's my pic! Still no morning sickness! My taste buds are kinda throwing me for some loops but it's all worth it!
yay 9 weeks!!! i am upset because we do not have an expectant mothers parking at our toys r us!!! and im a big woman!!!!
I loved going places where they had these signs!!!!
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