Monday, January 19, 2009

WOW...I'm PREGNANT!!!!'s been stinkin' forever since I've been on here! Christmas was great aswell as New Year's. We had a gret winter retreat with our teens!
As many of you now by now...Brandon and I are expecting a little Shatto!! We have been on fertility treaments for the past 9 months so this is a very exciting time for us! My due date is Sept 18th. I go back for an ultrasound Jan 29th and at that time we will see if we are having more then one. Thank you to all those that have prayed with us during this time in our lives!!!


debra parker said...

I am so excited for you!!

Anonymous said...

How exciting!!! We are happy for you guys! Babies are so much fun! I hope your pregnancy is a good one!! : )

Hillengrandma said...

Congratulations!! How very exciting. Hope you are feeling well.