Monday, January 26, 2009

Monday Morning

I had a great weekend! I got to go down and visit with my family! Brandon didn't get to come with me but it was still fun! I've yet to win a game of Monopoly but it's still on of my favorite games! I made it back in time for Winter Jam!! It was amazing! $10 and you get to see New Song, Toby Mac, Hawk Nelson and some other groups! It was great! Our students really enjoyed it!

I had a friend ask me blog about all my symptoms and everything that was going on during the pregnancy, so I will do my best!! I am 6 weeks right now and so far no morning sickness! Praise God! I've been told that my cramping is normal that it's my uterus growing...those are starting to lighten up! I do have to go to the bathroom ALL the time! I've been to the library and got like 7 book on pregnancy and a friend brought me "What to expect while you're expecting" so I feel very informed so far! As far as names we have a few that we really like but I'm not going to say definitely what we'll use as far as names until we find out if we're having a boy or a girl...or both!! My ultrasound is this Thursday morning to measure the baby and make sure everything is progressing as it should and at that time we'll see if there is more then one!!! B/c I was on so may fertility pills the chances are higher then we'll see! I'll be sure to post and let you know!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yay babies are sooo fun! i cant wait to find out if there is more than one!!! you guys are going to be great parents!