Monday, July 18, 2011

A letter to God

If I could write a letter to God this might be what I would write:
Dear God,
I respectfully have a few questions that are on my heart lately that I need your help with. Nothing silly like why in the world did you give us mosquito's although that would be nice to have an answer to. But more serious questions like for instance, why is it that we tithe and give to missions like you ask us to, but there is still more month at the end of the of our budget? Why do you allow young school aged girls that come from awful backgrounds and have no means to support a child get pregnant while I have friends that are good Godly Christians are unable to get pregnant? Why do you allow abortion to be legal and take so many innocent lives every day? Why the horrible "natural" disasters? Why is it that we are willing to serve You in full time ministry but we can't seem to get a job doing so? Why are you allowing my Dad to endure this horrific disease we call cancer? Why will you take his life so early, before he is able to see my brother get married or my son go to kindergarten? Why does he have to feel such pain in the body you have given him here on earth? How can I have such a peace and not be upset with you the giver and taker of life? What will this "daddy's girl" do on Father's Day next year?
Love, Melissa

If God were to take time to write back it might look like this:
Dear Child,
I love you so much! Please be patient and realize you can't see the whole picture that I have drawn for you. I wish you could see your life through my eyes and know that I have a reason for everything that is aloud to happen there on earth. Take joy in knowing that your earthly Dad will be with me soon and I will show him the wonders of Heaven that only you can dream about! He will get to meet Peter, Moses, Abraham, and Joseph, he will sit and listen as they tell their memories first hand. I have prepared a place for him and it is something out of this world! It has a KC Chiefs room that is one of a kind! Know that he will be ok and feel no more pain once He is with me. I know you will miss him but you will make it just fine on the memories you have made with him in 27 years.
I love you my child!
Your Heavenly Father


Amber said...

melissa that was so good. soooo good. so many christians think they cant have questions like that or talk to God like he is normal or their friend. but we can. its okay to talk to him like that as long as we know at the end of it we still trust him. i love it. good job. that could almost be considered a lament. david wrote many laments in psalms that was full of him baring his hearts woes to God. love you melis!

Amanda said... i shouldn't have read this while i was at work....cause now i'm crying! lol! :) i LOVE you! wow....and to think how much God loves us. i can't fathom it. i'm so thankful that God perfectly orchestrates our lives for his glory and for our good. i love you friend!