Well...I'm 10 weeks so that is very exciting! We're treckin' right along! My clothes are all much tighter then they were before! I'm down to like 3 dresses I fit into for church. I've lost 3 lbs. but haven't had any morning sickness so far! We get to go to the Dr. Thursday morning and see Squishy! I went to bed Friday night craving some really saucy spaghetti! I had a dream that night that I was at my grandma's house and my sister, mom, and grandma all fixed like 10 different types of spaghetti all for me! So needless to say...I went and got some spaghetti Saturday for lunch! My Brandon is gone for 2 days. Our pastor's wife's dad passed away and him and a few of the deacon's are driving up to Michigan to be there for the family. It's a 9 hr drive, bless his heart! I've been gone and left him here over night a few times but this will be my first time here without him. Have a great week!