Saturday, August 1, 2009

A great week at camp!

We left last Monday with 12 of our high school students to attend camp for the week. It was absolutly amazing! I was 32 weeks pregnant and a little worried about how I would handle lack of sleep and change of schedule through out the week but it went wonderful!

Our students responded fantastically to the spirit moving through the camp. Josh Barret was the speaker for the week, I hadn't heard him before and he did a fantastic job! We had prayed for him for over 2 months that God would speak through him and He totally did!

I got to lead 1 of my girls to the Lord Tuesday night, as always is a great experience! The excitement never gets old when I get to lead someone to Christ! We had students say they were giving up cussing, stop living the comfortable christian life and start living an on fire for God christian life! Praise the Lord for a fantastic week!

We leave with our Jr. High students on Monday for another full week! Please pray that it all goes just as good for this next week too!


Michelle Elkins AKA Mickey said...

We need pics of you and your pregnant self at camp!

Hillengrandma said...

Josh Barrett is from our church and we have known him since he was just a boy. I have known his in-laws for many, many years even before his wife was born. He is a great communicator and I am glad you had such a great camp.
So exciting about the young lady getting saved.So glad you are doing well.