Monday, August 10, 2009

34 Weeks!

Well here I am and made it through another week of camp! Last week we took our jr. high and it went great! I came home with a head cold though that I can't seem to shake, probably just from being over tired.
Jaxen is doing good! He is so far up my ribs I have no idea where he is going to grow and go for the next 6ish weeks. I'm sure he will find a place he hasn't already invaded some how. During camp I think I wore him out more so then being at home but now that we are home he is moving around a lot more. We were sitting in church yesterday morning and he got the hiccups and you could see my belly just bounce. Such an exciting and unusual feeling! We are trying to get his room finished quickly. I will post some pictures of his finished room as soon as we can.