4 years ago today I married my best friend! I can't believe we are celebrating our 4 year anniversary already! Seems like it was only 4 months ago sometimes but other times feels like it's been 40 years!!! I am so thankful God has our entire life planned out and mapped how He wants it to go and all's we have to do is follow the road signs! He knew exactly what He was doing when He gave me Brandon! Sounds cheezy but he totally completes me! I am horrible with directions and following signs...for instance I get lost in the mall...Brandon is great at that and now also has GPS!!! I sometimes tend to get hyper and over excited about things, Brandon calms me down and levels me out. He doesn't close the cabinet doors...I walk behind him and do it for him. I don't read very fast and so when the information pops up for a show we are watching I'm done with 2 lines and he's already finished the paragraph, he reads it aloud so we both finish at the same time. I totally suck at technology...sometimes can't even add a new contact to my cell phone, he was like born with all the know how embedded in him. Pretty much, he's amazing!
Awww isn't that awesome how God seems to pick the person for our lives. Finding the perfect person is one of the best things in the world:)
cute cute cute pics
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