Monday, June 15, 2009

26 weeks!

Good morning! Lets see...what all has happened since my last blog?
1. We finally named our son, Jaxen!!
2. We had a great week of VBS with our church family! I got a pie in my face for the girls loosing the penny march for the week but it was all for a good cause! We raised like $888! Our high attendance night was 74 kids!
3. Jaxen is moving like crazy! Feels so out of this world!
4. Mom and Dad both get scans done this week to see if either/both of their cancers are in remission!!
5. I'm getting my hair highlighted tonight, hooray!
6. Still trying to think of something that Brandon, Me, and Jaxen can all be for Halloween that matches each other...ideas welcome

1 comment:

Amie Christine said...

aww thank you!!! It was a lot of fun! You better take lots of pictures at your shower! I want to see them!!! :)Congrats on deciding on the name! Makes it so much more real!