Monday, May 25, 2009

23 weeks!!!!

Good morning and happy Memorial Day! Thank you to all of those who served our country!!! I am waiting for Brandon to wake up and our friends are coming over and we're painting the baby room!!!! I can't wait! We took before pictures and so I'll post some before and after pictures when we get done. I've been feeling the baby move quite a bit lately but last night Brandon got to feel him for the first time last night! I was so excited to finally get to share the experience with him. It's still not very strong from the outside but I was very thrilled that Brandon got to feel him! I painted my toe nails Saturday while Brandon was taking a nap and it is definitely getting harder to maneuver to reach them. Brandon got hives over the weekend for the first time. We can only narrow it down to be from a chicken sandwich he ordered from TGIFridays. So bless his little heart he's all itchy and blotchy!!!!

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