Monday, July 21, 2008

No more MOHAWK!

Brandon decided to mention in a sarcastic manor that the boys going to camp should all get mohawks not thinking that the 12 and 13 year old boys would really do it, they show up to church with crazy mohaks the Sunday night before we leave for camp. After 2 back to back weeks of camp it got shaved off today! For those of you who don't have the honor of knowing my husband, he is crazy about his hair and what it looks like. So it's just funny to see him with a shaved head and no hair! Thats all!

1 comment:

Michelle Elkins AKA Mickey said...

That is crazy Brandon did that?! remember when he got a bad hair cut in Springfield and he was so ticked and Mike had to try and fix it. So yeah, very shocked about the Mohawk and now the buzzed head look!!! It will grow back!