Saturday, December 5, 2009


Wow! It's been forever since I've posted a blog on here!! Since my last post we have been fired and relocated back to Springfield MO. God is definitely trying our faith right now during this transitional time in our lives. We are so thankful that we both got our old jobs back and were able to start this past week. We are currently staying with Jared and Kim Bumpers and it is going really well! We were a little worried since Jaxen is obviously a baby and babies cry a lot, but it is going very well! It is nice to be close to my side of the family and to have Jaxen by his Papa and Grandma.
He is getting so big so fast! He is "talking" up a storm! He is definitely a morning baby. His smiles melt my heart!! He is so precious! He has done wonderful during the transition of moving! He has his bad days and his good days thankfully more good days then bad.


debra parker said...

Praying for you guys! If you need a listening ear let me know.

Amy said...

Hey our prayers our with you guys! Remember that God has a purpose and plan for everything even when it may seem like nothing makes sense. If you need to talk or anything just send me a message on facebook. Ministry can definitely be difficult at times just keep your head up and your faith! Love ya guys!

Hillengrandma said...

Can't help but think of the song," My Lord knows the way through the wilderness. All I have to do is follow." Sometimes it can get pretty scary, but HE is always faithful. I know He will lead you to something bigger and better. Just hang in there.