Monday, April 25, 2011

Easter Weekend

We had an absolutly wonderful weekend! God is so very good to give us this extra time with our family as we live in Springfield and as Dad is fighting his battle of cancer! We had practiced the "egg hunt game" with Jaxen at home so during the egg hunt at church he would atleaset have an idea about what the concept is. At home it went great and he completely understood the concept. So Saturday we felt good about his hunting abilities and were confident that he could keep up with the best of them. What actually happened during the hunt was very cute. He really just wanted to play in the big open gym space. He was picking up eggs ever so often and sometimes he would put them in his basket and sometimes he would put them in his friends basket. He really couldn't care less about them all! It was funny!

Sunday we got to celebrate Christ with our amazing church family! We have the best church family there is! I wish I could put into words how wonderful it is worship with fellow believers of like faith loudly and to the top of my lungs!

Monday, April 18, 2011

A baby book moment

This past weekend we took Jaxen to his first movie theater! It was a chickie movie, Disney's "Tangled." He did amazing! I had no doubts since he's such a good movie watcher at home! He just sat on my lap and was in awe of the giant screen! He was on cloud 9 with the popcorn too! Brandon took the popcorn bucket off Jaxen's lap to eat his portion and without looking away from the screen Jaxen reached over and grabed it back and put it on his own lap to eat again! We just laughed and enjoyed the moment of our little boy having the time of his life! These are the moments!

Monday, April 11, 2011

Thankful for my Dad

Last Wednesday we took Dad up to a cancer specialist in St. Louis to see if there were any more options they could come up to treat Dad. I went with expectations they would have something that was unheard of down here in Springfield. Sitting in that room with mom, dad, and Lisa we were given the news that unfortunately they had "exhausted all medical treatments" that were known to help his cancer. The Dr. was so nice and intelligent and as he's going through this information. I sat there with a lump in my throat and kept waiting for him to say "but...this is what I think we should do!" They have put dad on a waiting list for a trial drug however this drug has not been proven to help colon cancer only pancreas cancer or lung cancer. The waiting list is very long and they only accept a few people at a time. We're not even sure his insurance will cover the trial drug. That was the Dr.'s only option.

That day is when I realized this awful disease will take my Dad's life. When he was originally diagnosed in June 2008 they said they can't cure him only treat him, however there has always been another option, another treatment, another med that can help, there's always been some good news to go along with the bad news. This time there was no good news. Since that day I have made sure to tell Daddy I love him everyday!

There are times I have to fight off being depressed and weepy and thank God for giving us these next months to enjoy every minute we can with him!

I thank God for giving me a Christian family and loving me enough to give me this time to let my dad know what he means to me! Some people lose a parent in a crash or other immediate circumstances that they don't get the chance to tell them how much they mean to them and how thankful they are for them. I thank God for everyday!