This past week we got to celebrate my moms birthday! I would tell you how old she is but I'm sure she'll be reading this and would surely kill me for letting you in on that information!
As you can see in the picture there are 3 candles on her cake, those 3 candles stand for being a cancer SURVIVOR for 3 years!
I have the best mom in the world! She would do anything for our family and she's shown me how to be a Godly wife and mother! I remember growing up and how special she would make us feel on our birthday's by making our favorite meals and putting so much thought into our gifts. We didn't have much money so she always made sure that our gifts were special! She always put so much thought and love into each find!
Mom, I love you so much and I thank you for making me the women I am today! You are so special to me and I try to pattern my mothering after you!
I love you more!